General contact information is available below for the Alabama Central Disbursement Division (ACDD) and Lee County's DHR center.
Alabama Central Disbursement Division
P.O. Box 4960
Montgomery, AL 36103-4960
Phone: 1-800-774-9513
Fax: (334) 954-5181
Department of Human Resources
1715 Corporate Dr.
Opelika, AL 36801-1514
Phone: (334) 737-1100
Payment information can be found:
Child Support Court is, on an average, scheduled four to five times each month. These dates differ each month. The filing fee is $197.00 and $20.00 for sheriff service.
If you are being represented by the Department of Human Resources, you will need to stay in contact with your case worker regarding your case. If you are represented by a private attorney, you will need to stay in contact with him/her regarding your case. By law, we cannot give legal advice. If you need an attorney, you can contact legal services on the legal services page. Also, it is your responsibility to keep the court informed of any address changes. You must change your address with the court as well as DHR. If child support was ordered in a divorce, it is always referred to a divorce.
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